Social Media
Thanks to my social media design class last semester, I have discovered a newfound passion for the art of social media. Below are just a few of the posts I have been working on for class assignments. These posts were created using Canva, Photoshop, and InDesign.
The posts to the right are based off an assignment titled Cause Collage. Designers are often asked to re-use content from one media in a different form as a way of freeing up their creative vision. My cause, mental health, expresses the difficulties of growing up with power-hungry adults. We then used our causes to create media platforms to help spread our message.
To the left are posts that I created for extracurricular activities. The first post in an introduction to the main crew positions working on a student-run show— Campus Connections. To the right of that is a simple “We’re Hiring” post in hopes to find a new associate communications director for Hofstra’s television network.